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    vAs I sit here, reflecting on the incredible journey that brought us to this moment, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and excitement. This adventure began back in May, and every step along the way has been a joy.


    Today, I am absolutely thrilled to introduce you to our very first issue, a labor of love that has been months in the making. I've had the privilege of promoting, sifting through submissions, and carefully curating this collection, and it's nothing short of extraordinary. The stories, poems, and essays you'll find here are a testament to the boundless creativity and courage of our young contributors.


    I'd like to pause for a moment and extend my heartfelt appreciation to every member of our incredible team who played a part in bringing this issue to life. It's been an inspiring journey, and I'm deeply grateful for each person's wholehearted dedication and hard work. I’d also like to give a special thanks to Morouje, our Co-Editor in Chief, whose beautiful Instagram posts, delightful social engagements, and gorgeous website design have been instrumental in breathing life into v


    We wouldn't be here without the dedication and creativity of the entire team.


    To our readers, whether you're longtime enthusiasts of the literary arts or newcomers exploring this world for the first time, we invite you to immerse yourselves in the vibrant tapestry of words and images within these pages. Discover the passion, the raw emotion, and the unfiltered expression that make this issue truly special.


    So, as you delve into this inaugural issue, please know that we've come a long way, and this moment is truly special. Each piece is a testament to the dedication and talent that fills our literary community.


    —Grace Qiu







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